Monday, September 19, 2011

So there was this day...

All things considered,a fairly average day. Thinking along the lines of just trudging through.
This was the day, and I didn't even know it. Last Friday was when my mom decided to confirm the silly notion that my Daddy wasn't biologically mine. It's got me spinning a bit, even though it's been a running joke forever.
So.... I can't get the time away to myself to process this. I'm being watched for reaction in some ways. I can't say I'm surprised, but after 40 years and being with Dad through his dying months, I guess I got comfy.The mystery surrounding my birth has been a joke for a while...based mostly on the fact that I'm entirely too analytical for my own good.
I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. Just driving down the road and the world was suddenly different. Mmmkay... Soooooooooo.
I didn't grow up thinking I was adopted, or having some dusty old picture of a father is never know. I grew up with a flesh and blood Dad. With all his flaws and imperfections.
Most of all, he was my Daddy. Every day. No one in my family ever treated me like I wasn't part of them. All my suspicions were for very different reasons. Just that underlying current of energy that something didn't fit.
So now I know. I even know who WAS biologically responsible.
So now what?

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine what it would be like to find that out and what you must be feeling, so I feel like I can't really offer words of advice, comfort, wisdom. But as you say, he was your Daddy, blood or not, and nothing changes that.
