Friday, September 9, 2011

Ok...This won't be AS wordy as the last one....

Ok, in my excitement about Fantasy Eff Off Friday a couple of weeks ago, I wrote a totally rambly post, which I intended to edit - but ran out of time due to hubby's change in my plans.... so I first have to say, I didn't intend on a novel there (although topic is certainly deserving).

Today? I'll keep it shorter...or whatever...although AGAIN.... topic? Deserving of proportionate response that would keep you reading for days...
But I'm giving a HUGE Eff Off today to the people who just don't understand that history MATTERS...

It's that simple.

9/11/2001 mattered.

April 19, 1995 mattered.

Every day that people lose loved ones in a senseless fashion matters. These dates are just known for the impact they made nationwide.... You think we should just let the past go...we shouldn't focus on the negative...we perpetuate the effect by BRINGING IT UP?

It's that simple. Take some time, look at the way that YOUR world would be impacted by a sudden and complete annihilation  of your world, One that the entire world watched happen, that you see reminders of EVERYWHERE whether you want to or not... How would you POSSIBLY just suck it up and move on?
It mattered. It will always matter.

So don't ask those of us who DO get that it mattered NOT to honor the memory of the events.

We will never forget. We don't even want to try.

So those of you who feel like it's overkill to have all the memorials, the mentions, to watch the coverage of the survivors and the families and how they cope? There will never be ENOUGH memorials to the people who are killed because someone, somewhere, believes that they have the right to MURDER people in the name of an idea, or a belief. There is no excuse. Collateral Damage MATTERS...

For these people, I honestly don't have the urge to abbreviate

Fuck Off....

1 comment:

  1. Right on, my friend! You tell 'em. Oh, you did!

    Thanks so much for linking up. I guess we were a little like-minded this week.
