Monday, July 25, 2011

Ok. I guess there's nothing left but to start....

I have a blog...actually I have two of them. They depict my life. My world as it is... THIS blog? Has no purpose other than entertainment. The semi-anonymity of not telling anyone who I am, although I know a few people who would have no trouble figuring it out if they found me...(soup is kinda my thing...but I'll explain what soup is, and how it ACTUALLY works at another time...)
I mean, who doesn't want to follow a 40 year old anxiety sufferer who is quitting smoking and dieting and working out 3-5 times a week for the first time in her life ALL while dealing with the heavy shit life is handing her... (and no exaggeration, I got some heavy shit going on)... Internationally known (...well, a couple of my friends from school live in other countries now, doesn't that count?) FABULOUS....(in a way that only the people who have no regard for fashion can be!) and DRIVEN (to madness most days) to change.
Honestly, I live a life of tremendous blessings. But also of limited, er...what would you call it....ummm...?
Excitement? No. I don't bore easily, I'm a reader.
Adventure? Not really, it's an adventure every time I go to the gym...that's enough for me these days.

I have plenty of REAL things to complain/whine/bitch about in my real world...but that's not what this is about. THIS is my one place to actually be pretentious. As if the perky people at Starbucks making me stabby the ONE day a week I drag my ass out to get a mocha is the pinnacle of all that is wrong with my life. No, it's not. But that's part of the charm of this page. It's where the REALITY isn't the point. It's the fabulous, narcissistic, neurotic, snarky, obsessive compulsive, random, useless place that I can air all my ridiculous, pointless crap. DIG?
Let's just say creativity...maybe that sums it up. It's all and nothing at once. No REAL reason to complain, but I'm a whiner nonetheless. So stick around and watch me let loose my inner narcissist, because around here? It's really ALL about me...

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